
Delicious Savory Snacks You Must Try in Bandung

Bandung is an area that never stops innovating. The city isalways creating new things which often become a musim throughout Indonesia.

Cimol with Mozzarella. Via Instagram/chewymol

In the culinary field, Bandung is the birthplace of manyterkini foods. There are lots of delicious foods created in this city and thenspread throughout the country. Here are some of Bandung’s original savory foodsyou can enjoy in this city.


Cimol. Via Instagram/eattemptationsby

The basic ingredient of cimol is starch (aci) which isformed into small balls. The small aci balls will expand when fried. Cimol isusually served with dried seasonings with salty, spicy or balado flavor.


Cireng with rujak seasoning. Via Instagram/gunculinary

In local language, cireng stands for aci goreng (fried starch). Unlike Cimol, Cireng is not fried in ball form but in small disc-like shapes like crackers. Cireng also with seasoned with a thick sauce made with peanut as main ingredients.


Batagor. Via Instagram/tesacorner

Batagor is an abbreviation of bakso tahu goreng (friedmeatball and tofu). The main ingredients of batagor are fish meatballs and tofuwhich are then fried eaten with peanut sauce. Batagor is often enjoyed withsiomay.

Perkedel Bondon

Perkedel Bondon. Via Instagram/sanhesti

Like most perkedel, these food use potato as the mainingredients. Perkedel Bondon must be cooked using a wood stove. This food isusually served as a complement to rice with a spicy chili sauce.


Combro. Via Instagram/fyifitri

This food is also often referred to as gemet. This authenticBandung snack is made from grated cassava stuffed with sambal oncom before beingfried. Combro itself stands for ‘Oncom pada Jero’ (oncom inside).

Various Chips

Cassava chips. Via Instagram/maicih

There are lots of chips that come from the city of Bandung.The chips are made from a variety of ingredients, ranging from cassava to riceflour. Some well-known brands are Keripik Setan and Maicih which often rely onits spicy taste.


Basreng. Via Instagram/ma_kerang

Basreng stands for bakso digoreng (fried meatballs). Itcomes with a variety of flavors, cut into relatively small piece, and thenfried. After being well-fried, the meatballs are then skewered like a sataybefore then smeared with various kinds of sauces.


Cilok. Via Instagram/cilok.Bandung

Cilok stands for aci dicolok. This food is made from starchthat is usually mixed with beef, chicken, or fish. The mixture is then boileduntil cooked. Once cooked, cilok is then skewered and smeared with a sauce madefrom peanuts.

Tahu Susu Lembang

Tahu susu Lembang. Via Instagram/kulinerjabodetabek

This snack is quite unique because you can see theproduction process as well as the frying process. Basically, this is tofu thatuses milk as a mixture of ingredients. It tastes more savory than most tofu andyou can get it fresh from the production site.


Bandros with cheese topping. Via Instagram/gisella_tania

This food is made from rice flour, grated coconut, andcoconut milk. The mixture of ingredients is then put into a mold that has beenheated. Bandros are usually equipped with sugar toppings. Lately, many bandrossellers are being creative by giving chocolate, cheese, and other toppings.

Cimol Balado. Via Instagram/eattemptationsby

Bandung is one of the best culinary tourism locations inIndonesia. This city always shows innovations and new food which later became amusim throughout the country. If you visit Bandung, then you must try thesavory snacks in this city.

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