
Explore a Forest Lagoon and a Beach in One Go at Tembeling

Nusa Penida tourism potential is relatively underdevelopedcompared to other areas in Bali. Even though this island is within theadministrative border of the Province of Bali, the infrastructure at NusaPenida is still not as good as in mainland Bali.

Tembeling Beach. Via Instagram/wanderlustusblog

This, however, did not dampen the will of many tourists to come and explore this extraordinary island. One of the most exciting destinations in Nusa Penida is Tembeling. It is a hidden place and requires a lot of effort to achieve it. Here are some brief facts about Tembeling with its hidden forests, lagoons, and beach.

Location and route to Tembeling

Tembeling Beach. Via Instagram/karokarti

If your initial location is Toyapakeh which is the main portin Nusa Penida, then you will need several hours to get to Tembeling. Theeasiest method is to rent a motorcycle from Toyapakeh and ride it to Batumadeg.From Toyapakeh, you might need about 45 minutes to an hour to reach the parkinglot at Tembeling, Batumadeg. You will then have to walk past a rather fun trekthere.

Tembeling forest

A pathway in the forest. Via Instagram/crozahirah

If you have come across a road that can no longer be passedby a vehicle, then you need to park whatever vehicle you ride there and startwalking. There is only one track here and it will take you to the finaldestination at Tembeling Beach.

The path is carved in the rock. Via Instagram/iirisannukka

This steep pathway is rocky and can be very slippery, so youmust be extra careful. Throughout the journey of about 30 minutes, you will beable to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of a shady and refreshing forest. If youwalk here during the day, you will be protected from the sun.

Lagoon and Jacuzzi

The Lagoon. Via Instagram/saltinourhair

At the end of the trail, you will find a lagoon with bluishwater. The lagoon is protected under a rocky cliff that is quite dramatic.There are several statues and various Hindu religious decorations placed aroundthis Lagoon.

The ‘jacuzzi’. Via Instagram/wicky_adrian

You can immediately swim in this refreshing lagoon, or youcan also jump from the cliff to the blue water to add some excitement. Near thelagoon, there is a small pool that many tourists call a jacuzzi. This smallpool is indeed more suitable for a relaxing chat with friends while enjoying afresh drink.

Tembeling Beach

The white sand beach. Via instagram/lukyx333

With a little walk from the lagoon, you will be able to findthe hidden Tembeling Beach. This beach is flanked by two giant cliffs, makingit completely unnoticeable. This beach is not too broad, has fine white sandbut is also quite rocky. The waves here can be quite harsh so this beach is notsuitable for swimming.

The beach is not ideal for swimming. Via Instagram/aiqitiqua

The main charm of the beach is the beautiful sunsetpanorama. But you have to be careful if you want to watch the sunset herebecause your return trip can be very difficult when it’s dark.

The Beach. Via Instragram/melisamiao

If you are adventurous and want to satisfy your desire toexplore, then a trip to Tembeling Beach can be a very good option. You will geta beautiful and complete panorama of forest, lagoon, and beach here.

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