Mangunan is a pine forest area located in Mangunan village,Dlingo District, Bantul Regency. This forest is quite extensive and some of itsspots have been developed into tourist destinations. There are several viewingpost built around this pine forest.

Some places offer spectacular views of the city ofYogyakarta at night. Others offer refreshing views of the hills. Here are someof tourist attractions you can find in the Mangunan pine forest.
Jurang Tambelan

Jurang Tambelan is a place to see the beauty of simplenatural scenery. From the height of this place, you can see the green hills anda river flowing in a valley. There is a photo platform formed like atraditional boat here. The best time to visit this place is at sunset.
Mangunan Fruit Farm

Although the name implies that this is a fruit orchard, themain attraction in this place is an extraordinary viewing post. You can see thebeauty of the natural scenery from a wide viewing post, with a fence made ofconcrete. If it comes in the morning and evening, you can see the clouds underyour feet. The batik motif of the beauty of the sunset over the clouds is asurreal experience.
Pinus Pengger

This place is a viewing post which was later developed intoa selfie spot. The management built a selfie place in the form of some sort oftrees with many holes and roots. You can also see the wonderful view of Yogyakartafrom this place. The best time to come to Pinus Pengger is at night because thelight of Yogyakarta city will be very spectacular in the dark.
Bukit Panguk Kediwung

This place is a viewing post that is mostly visited to enjoythe sunset. There is a platform where you take a photo with a background ofgreen hills and charming sunset. Usually there is a thin mist covering thevalleys between the hills here.
Pinus Asri Karangasem

In Pinus Asri Karangasem, there is also a viewing postoverlooking a vast expanse of green land. Unlike other landscapes, here you cansee flat and not hilly green forests. The horizon in the distance can beclearly seen. There is also a built-in photo platform and also a small celosiagarden.
Becici Peak

This place also has a great view of the city of Yogyakarta.If you come at sunset, you can even see the transition from daylight to aspectacular dark night. The colorful twilight sky which is then combined withthe lights of the city of Yogyakarta creates an amazing sight.
Seribu Batu Songgo Langit

As the name suggests, there are lots of rocks in thistourist area. Located in a cool forest, Seribu Batu Songgo Langit is aninteresting educational destination for the family. You can find the hobbithouse here, which is close to many large rocks.
Randusari Waterfall

This is a small waterfall, dropping from a height of about15 meters. This stream falls into a pond that is not too deep, but the wholearea is quite exotic because it is under the trees’ shade. This waterfall isnot too big, but the water will be very refreshing for those of you who aregetting tired after visiting many attractions in this area.
Bukit Lintang Sewu

Bukit Lintang Sewu is different from most spots in Mangunan.Bukit Lintang Sewu is the most ideal place to enjoy the sunrise. The morningpanorama here is very beautiful because this hill is naturally facing east. Youcan also take pictures on an upside down house platform. In addition, you canalso enjoy the views of the green hills.
Watu Mabur Cliff

In this place, besides enjoying the beauty of the sunset,you can also do many outdoor activities. You can do camping here. The nightview here is equally beautiful. In the middle of the night, you can see theclear starry sky because there is not much light pollution on this hill.

Mangunan is a hilly area with cool pine forests. There aremany interesting spots that can be visited in this place, mostly in the form ofviewing posts and selfie places with spectacular views.