
Five Hot Sambals for Spicy Food Lovers in Bali

Indonesia has long been known as the producer of bestspices. The culinary diversity in Indonesia is overwhelming as every part ofthis archipelago has their own specialty dishes. Bali is known to have manyunique delicious dishes.

Balinese sambal matah. Via Instagram/warkozt

Bali is also known to have unique complementary side disheslike sambal. Sambal can be loosely translated as chili paste/sauce, usuallyenjoyed as complementary dish with rice and meat. Sambal is ubiquitous inIndonesia, and Bali have some of this delicious and spicy dish. Here are someof them.

Sambal matah

Sambal matah with tuna. Via Instagram/dapoermejik

This is a simple sambal. The ingredients of Sambal Matah areorange leaves, lemongrass leaves, shallots, and chili. All ingredients are cutand then lightly fried. The frying process is to make the sambale tastes lessharshly while still maintaining the freshness of the ingredients.

sambal matah. Via instagram/warkozt

Traditionally, Sambal matah is usually served with friedchicken or other fried meat. But lately the use has become more innovative. Thereare restaurants that use sambal matah as a topping for pizza. This combinationof Italian and Balinese cuisine produces a unique taste you can’t find anywhereelse.

Sambal Sere Tabia

Red rice with prawns and Sere Tabia. Via Instagram/nanere_mrb

Sambal Sere Tabia is made from basic ingredients such as redchili, shrimp paste, and salt. This sambal is quite straightforward and simple.Basically, chili pieces are fried together with shrimp paste and salt untilcooked. This chili is not mashed so you can feel the texture very well.

Sere Tabia. Via Instagram/nanere_mrb

Sambal Sere Tabia is usually served with warm rice. Thereare various variations that you can find from this sambal. There are those thatserve Sambal with fried shallots or urap base seasoning.

Sambal Nyuh

Sambal Nyuh. Via Instagram/men.Okoh

Sambal Nyuh comes from western Bali. This sambal usesingredients that are quite simple: coconut, lemongrass, chili, shrimp paste,shallots, and garlic. The method of making is quite unusual, starting withroasting the coconut and various other spices until it is brownish in color.

Sambel Nyuh. Via Instagram/men.Okoh

After roasting, the material is crushed but bot too smooth.Sambal Nyuh is usually enjoyed with various steamed vegetables such as clover,kale, squash, or cucumber.

Sambal embe

The main ingredients of Sambal embe are red onion, garlic,and chili. Red onion and garlic are chopped before being fried until half cooked.Meanwhile, chili is fried and then mashed. Both ingredients are then mixed andproduce a savory and spicy sauce.

Sambal embe is usually enjoyed with warm rice, fried chickenor fish, and water spinach. At present, there are already several food manufacturerswho sell sambal embe in small bottle packaging.

Sambal rajang

Sambal Rajang. Via instagram/blidanbluh

Sambal rajang has quite a lot of ingredients such as: onion,cayenne pepper, garlic, red chili, laos, ginger, and turmeric. All theingredients are chopped thin and then fried using hot oil until the color isbrowned. Sambal rajang has a richer taste than most other chili sauce becausethe ingredients individually have a strong and unique taste.

Squid with Sambal Rajang. Via Instagram/lidanbluh

If you love spicy food, then you should try various sambaldishes in Bali. Even if you are not used to eating spicy food, you can stilltry it with a modified recipe so that there are less chili for you.

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