Bali is a unique area, even in Indonesia. Bali is an islandwhere the majority of the population is Hindu while Indonesia is generallydominated by Muslims. Bali also has many unique traditions and cultures thatare not found elsewhere.

Sweet treats of Bali. Via Instagram/warungjinahbali
Bali is rich in culinary heritage and there are many specialfoods that you must try. Besides various kinds of satay and meat-based dishes,you also have to try the sweet treats. Here are some sweet treats that you canenjoy in Bali.
Bubuh Sumsum

This is porridge made from rice flour, or sometimes sago flour. The flour is usually mixed with suji leaves for green color and pandan leaves to produce a fragrant aroma. Bubuh Sumsum is usually enjoyed with palm sugar syrup so that it tastes sweet and savory.
Batun Bedil

This food is made from rice flour and sticky rice flourwhich is formed into small balls of dough. The balls are then boiled in amixture of coconut milk, granulated sugar, pandan leaves, coconut sugar, andrice flour solution. It’s tasty and sweet, great when erved cold.
Begina Bali

Jaja Begina is a Balinese snack that has been around forhundreds of years. The ingredients for this traditional food is white stickyrice which is processed with sugar. After drying, the sticky rice is thenformed into a circle and given the desired toppings.

Elsewhere in Indonesia, these foods are called pisang goreng.Even the technique to make it is exactly the same. Plantain is covered withbatter made from flour, water and salt, then deep fried in oil. You can alsoenjoy Godoh with a variety of toppings like cheese, chocolate, macha, etc.

You can find these small cakes in many places in Java andBali. The klepon cake is made from sticky rice flour dough which containsgrated coconut which has been mixed with coconut sugar. When cooked, this cakewill explode when you bite in the mouth. The sweet explosion is what make thissnack unique.

Some call Laklak a traditional Balinese pancake. It kindalooks similar. Laklak us made from rice flour and coconut milk mixed with Sujileaves to give it the green color. Laklak is usually served with grated coconutmixed with sugar as a topping.

Wajik is made from sticky rice which is processed with brownsugar, coconut milk, pandan leaves and sugar. Wajik usually has dark browncolor. This snack tastes sweet, savory, and feels a little oily.

In Java, this food is known as Nogosari. Plantains are wrapped in rice flour before being wrapped again with banana leaves and then steamed. This snack tastes savory and sweet with a fragrant aroma.

Bali has a lot of sweet traditional snacks. You can trythese snacks in many places, especially in traditional markets. This is anauthentic taste of Bali that you must try when visiting this magical island.