
Rafting on Progo the Most Challenging River in Java

Yogyakarta has a lot of natural tourism potential which hasrecently been developed intensively. One of them is white water rafting on theProgo River. This river has a route that is considered one of the mostchallenging on Java.

Lovely scenery. Via Instagram/ukitaftozani

In term of white water rafting, Progo River can actually bedivided into two; Upper Progo and Lower Progo. Both of these rivers havedifferent characters and also different difficulty levels. Here are thechallenges you can go through at Progo River.

Upper Progo

Rafting at Upper Progo. Via Instagram/jokon_nugroho

This river is only available for rafting during the rainyseason. The route on this river is 9 km long and the rafting duration is dua,5 totiga hours. The rafting participant is at least 14 years old and already has thebasic ability to swim. Participants must also have grade II Plus raftingexperience because the river has Grade III and IV.

Lower Progo

Rafting at Lower progo. Via Instagram/ninasugiarta_

This is a river that has a grade V, the maximum for whitewater rafting. The river has a large flow because this is where the surroundingrivers such as the Elo River and the Upper Progo River meet. This river is alsoone of the lava flows from Mount Merapi so the character and shape of the rivercan change every time Merapi erupts.

Upper Progo. Via Instagram/arusprogorafting

The Lower Progo River has a 25 km white water rafting coursewhich usually takes about 4-lima hours to finish. To be able to navigate thischallenging river, you must have adequate rafting experience and swimmingability. Because of its challenging route, the river is a favorite choice ofexperienced rafters who are looking for interesting adventures aroundYogyakarta.


Upper Progo only availab;e during rainy season. Via Instagram/jefrydwi92

The Upper Progo Rafting starts from Kemirirejo, Magelangwith a distance of about 9 km and will cost roughly Rp 200,000 per person. Theminimum age for taking this rafting is 8 years.

Lower Progo has bigger water volume. Via Instagram/the_crew866

The lower Progo River usually starts from Klangon villageand will finish on Dekso. Because the route is very tough, the cost for raftinghere can reach IDR 500,000 per person. Rafting operators in Lower Progo usuallyonly serve one trip every day.


Wonderful course. Via Instagram/topraftingoars

Your ticket usually includes a variety of amenities. Youwill get lunch, young coconut drinks, snacks, insurance, medical equipment,mineral water, local transportation, two professionally-taken photos whenrafting, stickers, bathing places, and certificates.

Wonderful course. Via Instagram/topraftingoars

The safety gear that you will get during rafting here isalso quite complete. You will get a life jacket, helmet, paddle, as well asexperienced guide services. As with all other rafting services, you must alwaysprioritize teamwork and obey your guide’s instructions while on a boat.

Challenging river. Via Instagram/arusprogorafting

Progo River presents a challenging rafting experience. Boththe Upper Progo and the Lower Progo have a very tough route, especially duringthe rainy season when the water volume is high. This destination is suitablefor those of you who like an adventure.

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