Indonesia is a country with great biodiversity, it is listedas the home of the second most orchid species in the world after Brazil.Indonesia’s biodiversity is unfortunately underappreciated by the Indonesianpeople themselves.

Starting from the desire to introduce and preserve allorchid species, Orchid Forest Cikole was established. Built on an area of 10hectares, this place has become very popular really quickly. Here are somefacts about Orchid Forest Cikole.
Orchid cultivation

The owner of the Orchid Forest Cikole, Maulana Akbar,emphasized that the main purpose of him establishing this place was to keepthose native orchids as Indonesian asset. He did it by cultivating many speciesof orchids in this forest. Akbar has the vision to make the Orchid ForestCikole as the center of orchid research in the world.

At present, this place already has a greenhouse for the careand breeding of various kinds of orchids, including rare orchid species.Overall, this place has a collection of more than 20,000 orchids from Indonesiaand other countries such as Argentina, the Philippines, Peru, and Brazil.

To increase the popularity of this place, the managementcarried out various innovations such as providing various other supportingfacilities. You can do trekking on the provided track through the cool pinetrees. Around the track, you can find a rustic wooden bridge. This bridge isone of the favorite places to take pictures, especially at night after thelights are turned on.

The most favorite photo spot for visitors of the OrchidForest Cikole, however, is the suspension bridge that floats among pine trees.This bridge will look spectacular at night because it is equipped withbeautiful lights. Normally, a visit to the forest will end after the sun sets,but here the visitors look forward to the night to be able to take uniquephotos.
Amphitheater in the middle of the forest

Orchid Forest Cikole also has an outdoor amphitheater facility located in the middle of a pine forest. Like all amphitheater, there is an open space that functions as a stage. A tiered row of wooden chairs surrounded the stage, ensuring all spectators have a good view.
This place often holds art shows or music concerts. On sunny days, enjoying the music here can be very fun because of the cool weather.
Other facilities

This place also provides many interesting facilities. If youare hungry, you can come to the culinary center in this park. If you want torelax while but still be able to take pictures with interesting backgrounds, youcan come to a relaxing location that is equipped with colorful bean bags. Thisplace also provides camping ground for those of you who want to spend the nightcamping outdoors.

Orchid Forest Cikole is located on Jl Tangkuban Perahu KM.8, Cikole Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The ticket costs IDR25,000 on weekdays and IDR 30,000 weekends. To enter the rides here, you willhave to pay additional fees. This place is open from 09.00 a.M. To 07.00 p.M.