
Goa Cemara Beach and its Magnificent Lighthouse

Yogyakarta has many beautiful beaches with differentcharacteristics. In Bantul Regency, for example, you can find Goa Cemara Beachwhose main attraction is not necessarily the beach itself, but variousinteresting things around it.

Goa Cemara. Via Instagram/anthonyleonardhuthagaol

Not that the stretch of sand and sea here is terrible, butthere are several other aspects that make this beach special. You can find acypress forest and a lighthouse in this coastal area. Here are some interestingthings about Goa Cemara beach

What’s in the name?

The cave. Via Instagram/hushussein

Literally, Goa Cemara means ‘cypress cave’. This nameemerged from a fairly extensive cypress forest on this beach. Cypress trees andtheir twigs form a tunnel that looks like a long and neverending cave. Walkingbetween the pine trees is rather refreshing because you will be protected fromthe direct heat of the sun.

The living cave. Via Instagram/ariefsatria_

This Pine Forest is also one of the favorite photo spots fortourists. Not just in the tunnels between the trees, a few tourists evenclimbed into the trees to get the best photos. This place is most ideal as aphoto location with your friends.

The beach is relatively calm

The Beach. Via Instagram/sari_munaningsih

The South Coast of Yogyakarta, in general, is characterizedby relatively strong waves. Directly facing the Indian Ocean, the southerncoast of Yogyakarta has many beautiful beaches that can not be enjoyed byswimming or diving. Gua Cemara Beach is the same. This beach has a beautifulstretch of black sand but the waves can be strong, although not as extreme asin many other beaches.


Mercusuar Pantai Pandansari. Via Instagram/js_portraiture

About 200 meters to the east of Goa Cemara beach, you willfind the Kalajivamasti Lighthouse. This lighthouse was built in 1996 and beganoperating a year later. This tower is 40 meters tall, and you must climb eightlevels of rotating stairs to reach the top. At the top of this lighthouse, youcan get an unobstructed view of the area, from Cemara Beach and other beachesaround it.

Selfie on the top of the lighthouse. Via Instagram/habib_be20

You are only required to pay IDR 5,000 up to climb thislighthouse. There can only two people climbing this lighthouse at any giventime. Most tourists use the Lighthouse to take selfies or get the best photoangle.


wonderful sunset. Via Instagram/dedyharmanto

One of the main attractions of Goa Cemara Beach is the viewof the sunset. Here you will be able to see the sunset directly on the IndianOcean horizon. The beach atmosphere here is quite calm because usually thereare not many tourists, especially at Sunset. You can enjoy the beauty of Sunsetcolors quietly here.

Camping ground

camping at the beach. Via Instagram/azisdjhee

If you are a fan of outdoor sports, you can also camp inthis beach area. You can choose a place in the cypress forest area near thesea, so you will still be able to get the best view from your tent. Make sureyou bring enough supplies and quality tents, especially in the rainy season.

Wonderful photo spot. Via Instagram/ridwan_arfani

Goa Cemara Beach is located only 33 km from the city ofYogyakarta. The road to the beach is also quite good and can be reached in lessthan an hour by private vehicle. The entrance fee is also very cheap, only IDRlima,000 per person. In general, Goa Cemara Beach is a very interesting touristdestination to visit if you are in Yogyakarta.

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