
Learn to Ride a Horse at the Instagramable Ganesha H Equestrian

Horse riding is an activity that has become somewhat scarcein this terbaru era. The era when horses were the main mode of transportationhas been far gone. Horses have now been replaced by more efficient enginepower.

Seeing a unicorn. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

However, riding on horseback has its own charm. For somepeople, riding a horse is an art that cannot be done carelessly. That is whythere are still many horse-riding sports that we can enjoy today. If you wantto learn to ride horses, you might want to come to Ganesha H Equestrian in WestBandung.

Learn to ride a horse

Learn to ride the maginificent horse. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

Ganesha H Equestrian is a unique tourist destination thatuses horses as the main attraction. Visitors can try to learn to ride a horseeven though they have never done it before, or had very little experience ofdoing it. To put it simply, this place provides riding courses, both foramateurs and professionals.

Inexperienced rider will be accompanied by guides. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

For those of you who just want to satisfy your curiosity,you can choose a package to take a short route of 438 meters on a horseback. Ifyou want to enjoy longer trips, you can choose the intermediate routes andlong-distance routes of more than 1 km.

Interesting routes

Picturesque routes. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

You will ride the horse through very interesting routes. Forthe intermediate route, you will be taken to get around a small lake with niceviews of the surrounding green hills. For the long route, you will ride throughthe hills and around the lake. You don’t need to worry about paling aman because allriders will be accompanied by an experienced guide who already knows the routeand horses there.

Favorite photo place

Learn to ride and archery. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

Like most other tourist attractions in Bandung, this place also offers extraordinary photo spots. The natural scenery here is already amazing, but the management of Ganesha H Equestrian will help you create an even more wonderful photo session to achieve the best results.

Photos with a nice conccept. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

There are many brides-to-be who do their prewedding photosin this place. The management will go to a length to help you and provideinteresting properties for beautiful photos, including photogenic horses. Youwill be taken to the best photo spots, with unique photo properties, andwonderful tame horses. The results usually are very stunning.

Can practice regularly

Professional rider can train at this place. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

If you want to practice regularly at Ganesha H Equestrian,you must take membership here. Official members get privileges and prioritizedto enjoy the facilities available at this place. Members also get many otherperks, including comparatively cheaper rates compared to non-members.

Posing with a pegasus. Via Instagram/ganesha.H.Equestrian

Equestrian tourism is something unique and quite rarebecause it requires special skills. If you are in Bandung and feeling likeriding horseback, you must come to Ganesha H Equestrian.

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