
Love and Myths at Parangkusumo Beach

Parangkusumo Beach is located in the southern part ofYogyakarta province,  in Bantul Regency.This beach is just to the west the west of another famous beach in Yogyakarta,namely Parangtritis Beach.

Parangkusumo beach. Via Instagram/chelliftrn

Apart from its natural beauty, Parangkusumo Beach is alsoknown for the myth and legends that surround it. Here are some of theattractions that you can find at Parangkusumo Beach.

Ratu Kidul Myth

Parangkusumo Beach. Via Instagram/doddyarisusanto

There is a legend saying that the Sultanate of Yogyakarta had a close relationship with the mythical Kingdom of the South Sea (Indian Ocean). This relationship began when the founder of Mataram, Panembahan Senopati met with Kanjeng Ratu Kidul and then they fell in love with each other.

Senopati said his desire to own and lead a great kingdom. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is willing to help with the condition that all of the Mataram Kings would later become her husband.

Traditional Ceremonies

Labuhan Parangkusumo. Via Instagram/doddyarisusanto

There are a number of traditional ceremonies held atParangkusumo Beach. The first is the Labuhan ceremony which is held in themonth of Ruwah in the Javanese calendar. This ritual was carried out as a formof gratitude for the protection given to the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.

The second ceremony is Melasti, performed by Hindus a fewdays before Nyepi. This ritual has a purpose of cleansing the soul from allevil so that Hindus can live the Saka’s New Year with a clean and new soul.

Gumuk Pasir Sand Dunes

Gumuk Pasir. Via Instagram/nazlafarah13

Gumuk Pasir is a unique natural phenomenon where sand dunesare created due to gusts of wind between Parangtritis Beach and ParangkusumoBeach. At first glance, this sandbank looks like a desert in Africa and theMiddle East. Not only is it beautiful to see, but this dune can also be a placefor fun activities such as sandboarding.

Paralayang Watugupit

Watugupit. Via Instagram/taufiqurhman_

To the east of Parangkusumo Beach, there are several highkarst hills that are used as a base for paragliding. Locals call this placeWatugupit. Aside from being a shelter for paragliding sports, Watugupit is alsoan ideal spot for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the beach from aheight. Enjoying the sunset at Watugupit has a different sensation compared todoing it on the beach.

Parangkusumo beach, via Instagram/humaspolsekpajangan

Parangkusumo Beach is adjacent to Parangtritis and DepokBeach. Located about 30 km from the city of Yogyakarta, access to these beachesis very easy. If you visit this area you can enjoy these three beaches in a oneday tour.

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