The Lembang area has long been known as a tourist resortarea with cool air and refreshing mountain range. If you visit Lembang, youwill get a choice of many interesting tourist attractions. From simple villasto complete and unique resorts.

One of the most famous and most visited resorts in Lembang is FarmHouse Lembang. At this integrated resort, you can find various types of attractions. This concept is indeed widely used by various resorts in Lembang such as Lembang Floating Market, Lembang Ranch, and Sausage Houses (Rumah Sosis).
However, Farm House Lembang has its own uniqueness. Here are the attractions that you can find in the Lembang Farmhouse.
European-style housing

At this resort, you can find many homes that are designed inclassical European style. The main purpose, of course, is to make this placemore instagenic. Not just a house, you can also rent traditional Europeancostumes to take pictures in front of the house. This will feed your Instagramfor a quite long time.
Hobbit House

If you are a lover of The Lord of the Rings novel or movies,you might be happy to find the Hobbit house here. With typical round shapeddoors, these small houses have beautifully arranged gardens. This hobbit house wasalso built to meet the photographic needs of the visitors.
The mountainous nature

Lembang is generally located in a cool mountain area, so isthe Lembang Farmhouse. Here, you can enjoy a refreshing and healthy air and getaway from pollution. This place can be a destination to escape from everydayroutine and work. It is no wonder then that many Jakartans visit this place onweekends.
Cute animals

Lembang Farm House does not have a special enclosure fortheir animals like in a zoo. Therefore animals that are kept here are the tameones such as horses, rabbits, iguanas, birds, sheep, and others. Children willbe free to play with these animals, making Farmhouse an attractive educationaldestination.
Love Bridge

This bridge mimics concepts like those that you can findoverseas. Lembang Farmhouse provides a bridge with a steel fence. Lovers theninstall a padlock on that fence. According to the myth, installing a padlock ona bridge like this will make the relationship last for eternity. You can seethe colorful padlocks with the name of couples on this bridge.
Backyard kitchen

Lembang Farm House is also equipped with an attractiverestaurant called the Backyard Kitchen. In this restaurant, you can chooselocal and European menus. The favorite hidangan in the Backyard Kitchen is a verytasty steak. The atmosphere of this restaurant is very relaxing, so you cancomfortably enjoy your food with your family.

In addition to all the attractions above, the LembangFarmhouse is also a great place for special occasions. The management hasprepared a special building to hold special events such as weddings, graduationparties, or birthday parties. If you only come to enjoy this place on weekends,you can simply pay a ticket for IDR25,000 per person.