One of the most famous attractions in Nusa Penida is theopportunity to swim with Manta Ray. The waters of the southern part of NusaPenida are known as the natural tempat asal of this gentle giant fish. Therefore,many tour agents offer trips to the southern waters of Nusa Penida for a chanceto meet the magnificent fish.

The main attraction is indeed the opportunity to meet andswim with Manta Ray fish in the wild. Even though there is no guarantee thatyou will meet the fish, but snorkeling on the South Coast of Nusa Penida willalways be a pleasant experience.
The Gentle Giant Manta Ray

There are various wrong assumptions about manta ray, a fishthat can grow up to 7 meters and weigh up to 3 tons. Because of its size, manypeople think that this fish is dangerous. But you don’t need to worry becausethe manta ray is completely harmless.

The manta ray species in Bali is Manta Alfredi, which is the second largest in the world. These fish are filter feeders, which means they eat small animals such as plankton, crustaceans, and small fish.
Their tail is also not poisonous so it is safe for you to swim near them. Manta Ray is even known to enjoy small interaction with humans and is one of the friendliest fish for snorkelers and divers.
The best time to find manta rays

The Southern Waters of Nusa Penida is one of the best placesto find manta ray because this area is passed by Indonesian Throughflow. Simplyput, there is a huge flow of water from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean.This flow brings nutrients that make Indonesian waters rich with underwaterlife, including being the tempat asli of the manta ray.

Again, there is no guarantee that you will be able to findthis fish, but normally you can find these fish throughout the year becausethey are not seasonal or migrating fish. The best time to find this fish is inthe morning and evening. For the most convenient snorkeling experience, youshould take a tour during the dry season, around April to October.
Manta Bay

Manta Bay is located in a fairly shallow bay but is filledwith lots of plankton which is the favorite food of manta ray. According to thetour guides in Bali, there is a 95% chance that you will meet manta ray here.Because the best time for snorkeling to meet the fish is in the morning, thisplace can be quite crowded even before the sun rises.
Manta Point

Manta Point is located in the southern part of Nusa Penida, in the Batukandik area to be exact. This area is surrounded by many tall rock cliffs. The depth of water in Manta Point is approximately 15 meters.
This spot is mostly visited by experienced divers because of its unpredictable current and the waves can be a bit rough. This area is a manta ray cleaning station, where they rest in the depth while being cleaned by smaller fish.
Viewpoint Manta

You don’t even need to take a plunge into the water to beable to see manta ray around Nusa Penida. When you are exploring severalviewpoints in the southern part of the island, you might catch a glimpse whenthese fish is surfacing in the sea. Your chance to meet them is not too big,but many tourists have reported that they saw them from Broken Beach andKelingking Beach.

If you want to use tour agencies services to see manta rays,you will usually be taken to snorkel in several places around Penida andLembongan. If your schedule is crowded and you do not have much time in Bali,then this tour service is best for you. But if you have a lot of time, the bestoption is to do your own exploration of Nusa Penida, then come to manta spotsone by one.