Aside from having many beautiful beaches, Bali is also knownto be tropical heaven with many beautiful natural wonders. One of the mostunderrated tourist destinations in Bali is its waterfall. The island has manycharming waterfalls, especially on its northern part.
Buleleng Regency has the most waterfalls compared to other districts on the island of Bali. This district is very broad and covers almost the entire northern coast of the island. Here are some of the best waterfalls you can find in Buleleng.
Aling-aling Waterfall
Located not too far from the regency capital of Singaraja,the Aling-aling waterfall usually becomes a quick stopover for those who tourin the area. You have to walk past the rice fields and some small weirs to getthere. This 35-meter-high waterfall is slightly split and falls into a pondthat is located in a hidden crevice. This waterfall is located on JalanSambangan, Sukasada, Buleleng.
Banyumala Waterfall
Locals also call this place as Tirta Kuning, which means‘yellow waterfall’. Located on Jalan Tirta Kuning, Wanagiri, Sukasada,Buleleng, you have to do a little trekking to reach this spot. The kisi-kisileading to the waterfall can be quite slippery when wet. Banyumala is a fairlygentle waterfall with a relatively calm current as the cascade spreads over theface of the waterfall.
Carat Waterfall
This waterfall can be reached by traveling around half akilometer from Singaraja Main Street. You have to walk along a small pathway,traditional bamboo bridges, and rocky small creeks. This waterfall is quitemagnificent with a height of 100 meters and surrounded by rock cliffs overgrownwith vines. Carat Waterfall is located on Jalan Raya Tambelang, Singaraja,Buleleng.
Gitgit Waterfall
This is the most famous Waterfall in all of Bali. This placeis about 10 km south of Singaraja. Access to the waterfall is also quite easy.From Bedugul-Singaraja Main Road, you only need to walk a few minutes. Thescenery along the way to get here is quite spectacular. This is a rather bigwaterfall with 40 meters height, falls onto quite large rocks.
Jembong Waterfall
Jembong Waterfall is not as famous as most other waterfallsin Buleleng, but this waterfall has its own charm. To reach this place, youhave to walk through cocoa plantations, rocky roads, and small creeks. There isa shallow pool at the bottom of the waterfall, it is safe for children tosplash around. Jembong Waterfall is situated in Ambengan Village, SukasadaDistrict, Buleleng Regency.
Munduk and Melanting waterfalls
There are several waterfalls that are located near thevillage of Munduk, Banyuatis district, Buleleng Regency. The two most famousare the Munduk and Melanting waterfalls. Located at an altitude of 850 m abovesea level, the village of Munduk has a quite cool climate with soothing hillyviews. The waterfalls here add to those refreshing atmosphere.
Sekumpul waterfall
This waterfall is quite iconic because it is a collection ofseveral cascades that form a wide waterfall. This spot is located in the middleof a green valley and is dominated by bamboo clumps. You need a little trekkingto be able to reach this waterfall even though the route is not toochallenging. This waterfall is located on Jalan Raya Sekumpul Village, Sawan,Lemukih, Buleleng
Yeh Mampeh Waterfall
This is one of the most hidden waterfalls on the island ofBali. This place is sometimes called Les Waterfall, from its namesake LesVillage, Tejakula District, Buleleng. Because of its relatively hiddenlocation, this place is not visited by many tourists. It means that there is ahigh chance you will be able to enjoy this place calmly.
Bali has many charming waterfalls, most of which are locatedin the northern part of the island, which administratively is within BulelengRegency. If you want a variation after enjoying the beautiful white sandbeaches in South Bali, you can enjoy the calming coolness of the North Baliwaterfalls.