Bali is much more than just beautiful beaches, colorfulmarine life, lush green forest, or exotic temples. Not many people realize thatBali is also an interesting destination for those who wish to try exotic foodsand enjoying a culinary adventure.

In Bali, as with in many places in Indonesia, rice is a staple food in Bali. You will easily find many delicious rice-based foods on this island. Popular dishes like nasi goreng (fried rice) is abundant here. However, you probably need to know that there are several rice-based delish dishes you can only find in Bali.
Nasi Jinggo

Nasi Jinggo (sometimes also pronounced nasi jenggo) is asimple dish consisting of steamed rice and several complements. You can findserundeng (fried coconut flakes), spicy fried tempe, shredded chicken, andfried noodle. The rice usually is served in a small portion, only a fistful.

The term Jinggo came from a Hokkien Language ‘jeng go’ which means a thousand and five hundred. The dish was indeed sold for IDR1.500 during the monetary crisis in Indonesia (about 1997-98). Today, the price has been adjusted of course.

The dish is usually wrapped in banana leaves in a small package. The dish is similar to ‘nasi kucing’ you usually find in Java. You can try this dish at Warung Bandrek & Nasi Jinggo Pak De in Jl. Raya Kuta No.27, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali.
Nasi Tepeng

Nasi Tepeng originated from Gianyar. This authentic Balinesedish will bring you to a flavor adventure because this dish is made using basagenep. That means that this dish is using a complete spices in traditionalBalinese cuisine. If you have never eaten an Indonesian food, you will learnhow exotic those spices and herbs are.

Steamed rice is the most important part of Nasi Tepeng. It is complemented with long beans, red beans, unripe jackfruit, eggfruit, moringa leaves, and serundeng.
Nasi Tepeng is served with banana leaves and is a very popular dish for breakfast in Gianyar. You can find many Nasi Tepeng stalls at Pasar Senggo Gianyar at Jl. Ngurah Rai, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali.
Tipat Blayag

Tipat Blayag is a rice cake, similar to ketupat or lontong.Tipat Bayag is made using common rice wrapped in young coconut or palm leaves.It is shaped like a cylinder, unlike ketupat which is shaped like diamond. Theyboth taste pretty much the same, though.

Tipat Blayag is served with broth made from Balinese spicesand herbs with rice flour. The broth is very thick and very savory. You willalso find sayur urap, shredded chicken, chicken feet, crackers, and peanuts.You can try this dish in Tipat Blayag Bu Agus at Jalan Tukad Yeh Aya No. 44,Panjer, Denpasar Selatan, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar, Kota Denpasar, Bali.
Tipat Cantok

Tipat Cantok is made with a tipat which is very similar to ketupat. The rice cake is wrapped with diamond-shaped young coconut leaves. After being unwrapped, the tipat is cut into smaller pieces and then mixed with bean sprout, long beans, and eggs.

Thick peanut sauce (sometimes very spicy) is poured and then everything is mixed once again. You can try this at Warung Tipat Cantok & Rujak Bu Agung at Jl. Pulau Ambon No.8, Dauh Puri Klod, Denpasar Barat, Kota Denpasar, Bali.
Bubur Mengguh

Bubur Mengguh is originated and very popular in North Bali. It was part of an offering used in certain Hindu ceremony. This is a porridge made from rice and coconut milk. Shredded chicken, serundeng, peanuts.
A thick chicken broth is poured onto it, makes this porridge tastes savory and somewhat spicy. You can enjoy this porridge in Bubur Bali at Jl. Bukit Buluh, Beng, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali.

You definitely have heard the many picturesque riceterraces, but you might not hear the many delicious rice-based culinary delightyou can in Bali. They all look simple but there are much more that meets theeye when talking about foods in Bali. There are many spices and herbs used in aseemingly simple broth. That’s why you need to try it yourself to know it.