Jerowaru is a district in East Lombok, located at thesoutheastern tip of the island. In term of tourism, there are not much exposureabout this place at the corner of Lombok. However, that doesn’t mean thatJerowaru is devoid of a beautiful place, quite the contrary, actually.

Used to be plagued with poverty and water scarcity, Jerowaruslowly turns into tourism for additional revenue, and it starts to show a goodresults. Jerowaru is slowly catching up with other part of the island in termof tourism. They already have great natural assets to improve. Here are some ofthe most beautiful places you can find in Jerowaru.
Tanjung Bloam (Beloam)

Tanjung Bloam is a coast dominated by dramatic cliffs thatface directly to the sea. In some parts of this coast, you can also findseveral small white sandy beaches. The most iconic natural landmark in TanjungBloam is the bridge connecting the mainland with a small cone-shaped island.This place is highly instagenic and even become much more beautiful duringsunsets.
Tangsi Beach

Tangsi Beach, also known as the pink beach, is one of justtwo naturally pink beaches in Indonesia. This beach was crowned as the mostbeautiful beach in the world by Vogue Korea in 2017. The beach is secluded withpink sand, crystal clear water, and surrounded by green hills. The waters hereare shallow and calm, ideal for swimming and snorkeling.
Gili Sunut

There is a small island called Gili Sunut in a part of Jerowaru, inhabited by local people. The most wonderful part about Gili Sunut is its ‘vanishing beach’. There is a strip of white sandy beach that connects the mainland with Gili Sunut.
This ‘bridge’ is submerged during the high tide and sometimes vanishes completely under shallow water. The coral reef nearby boast a rather rich marine biodiversity, ideal for snorkeling.
Tanjung Perak

Not to be confused with the seaport in Surabaya which isalso called Tanjung Perak, this one in Lombok is purely an untouched strip ofbeach. This beach is dominated by huge rocks with beautiful gradient colors.There is also a part of the beach with white sand and a refreshing wave. Thereis a meadow that practically touches the sea on this beach, making an evendramatic view.
Kaliantan and Cemara Beach

These two neighboring beaches are located at Seriwe Village,Jerowaru. They are both white sandy beaches with some cliffs and hills onsight. The access to both beaches is quite easy with good roads. Kaliantan hasa more breathtaking view while Cemara is more suitable for snorkeling,swimming, and even diving.
Surga and Ekas Beach

The other two neighboring beaches, these two are located at Sungkun Village. You can expect a nice combination of meadows, rolling hills, dramatic cliffs, white sand, kecil islands, and calam and crystal clear waters. You will get them all in Surga and Ekas. In a way, the contour of these beaches are similar to those at Komodo National Park.

Despite all of the many limitations it faces, Jerowaru hasmany wonderful beaches in its shore. What’s even more impressive is that thebeaches here vary heavily from place to place. For those who are looking forgreat beaches without the crowds it draws, Jerowaru is the answer.