Sanghyang Heuleut, along with the other two sanghyangs(Tikoro and Poek) is a unique tourist destinations trilogy in West BandungRegency. All three of them are often linked with myth and legends, making thema rather creepy if you believe in such thing.
Among the three, Sanghyang Heuleut is the most beautifulone. This pond is also the most popular one, attracting more tourists than theother two even though they are located nearby. Here are some facts you need toknow about Sanghyang Heuleut.
What in the world is Sanghyang Heuleut?
It is a little lake that looks like it was being carved into a huge stone. Even though the water is relatively shallow, only three meters deep, the water is as blue as the sky.
Sometimes, the color changes into turquoise for some reason. This lake feed from the old Citarum River. You can swim here if you want to, but make sure that you are a good swimmer because help might be quite far away if something terrible would happen.
Extremely Instagenic
Geologists speculated that thispond is a result of anexplosion of an ancient volcano; Mount Purba. That is why this pond issurrounded by huge boulders, almost unseen from outside. Some people considerthis pond as a hidden paradise. The combination of the rocks and the blue watercreates a somewhat otherworldly view, extremely good for photographic setting.
In fact, Sanghyang Heuleut rose to fame after people sharedits pictures in social media. The words about the beauty of this place spreadand everyone wants the piece of its beauty. As a result, even more greatpictures are produced and this place getting more and more popular.
The Myth
In Old Sundanese language, Sanghyang means a title given to a holy person or the ones with supernatural powers. Heuleut means interlude, a break between two times. Together, Sanghyang Heuleut loosely means a beautiful place to spend your free time.
According to local lore, this is the pond where the angels come down from heaven to take a bath and purify themselves. The beautiful setting and secluded location surely played a part in the creation of that lore.
The secluded location
Sanghyang Heuleut is located at the Rajamandala KulonVillage, Cipatat District, West Bandung Regency. It’s not too far away fromSaguling Dam, near the border with Cianjur Regency. It is roughly30 kilometersaway from downtown Bandung but you will need 90-120 minutes to reach this pondwith a car in good traffic. This place is especially secluded and you have togo through smaller roads.
Sanghyang Heuleut is best visited during the dry season asthe water would be clear and bluish. During the rainy season, the water becomessomewhat muddy and the color changes into brownish. Remember to wear shoes withgood grip as the rocks here can be quite slippery. For those who can’t swim, itis advisable to visit this pond with a friend who can swim, just in case.