If you visit Borobudur just to enjoy the grandeur of the temple, you might miss out some interesting attractions around it. Don’t be mistaken, any visit to the magnificent Borobudur temple will always be worth just by enjoying the charm of this ancient temple.
However, the area around Borobudur also has many othertourism potentials. Villages around this temple have been developed intodesignated tourism villages to accommodate the many tourists who visitBorobudur. One of the interesting tour packages that you can enjoy here is theVW Cabrio Tour.
What is the VW Cabrio Tour?
This is a tour around the tourism villages around Borobudurby driving Volkswagen type 181 or 182, produced from 1969 to 1983. Thesecabriolet cars can accommodate 4 to 5 people, including the driver. The VWCabrio Tour has a large fleet of cars and with different colors. Currently,there are around 70 Volkswagen 182 available for this tour.
You can choose the route and duration of the tour
The interesting thing about this VW Cabrio Tour is that you can choose the route and duration of the tour. Overall, you have three choices; short, medium, and long tour.
You can determine which village you want to visit or what tourist destination you want to reach by driving the Volkswagen 182. To ensure that all the routes you want will be within the allotted time, you can discuss it with the tour operators.
Route selection and duration
Short tour takes around two to two and a half hour trips.You will explore the villages around Borobudur Temple and visit two touristattractions of your choice. The price for a short tour is IDR 350,000 per car.
The Medium Tour is three and a half to four hours long. Inaddition to exploring the villages around the temple, you can also choose tovisit three tourist attractions. The price for the medium tour is IDR 450,000per car.
Long Tour is five to six hours long. You will be taken toexplore the villages around the Borobudur Temple and then visit fourattractions at a price of IDR 600,000 per car.
Choice of tourist attractions
There are several attractions that you can choose from thistour. You might choose to visit: Nglipoh Village, Omah Saking Dene, honey beefarm, balkondes, Junkyard Autopark, Camera House, Chicken Church, PunthukSetumbu, Pereng Nduwet, Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple, Candirejo Tourism Village,and various craft centers.
The VW Cabrio Tour can be a pleasant alternative whenvisiting Borobudur Temple. All you need to remember is to prepare masks,sunglasses, and sunblock before taking this tour as the Cabrio tour will exposeyou to dust and the sun.