
Celebrating Love at Plaosan Temple

Plaosan Temple is one of the temples with a unique romanticbackground. Prambanan Temple was built to prove the sincerity of BandungBondowoso when proposing Roro Jonggrang, the Plaosan Temple is a gift of lovefrom Rakai Pikatan to his beloved Queen; Dyah Pramodyawardhani.

Rice field and temples. Via Instagram/susidarto

Plaosan Temple is proof of Indonesian society has alreadyhad high religious understanding and tolerance. That is the beautiful storybehind the construction of Plaosan Temple.

Monument of love

Temple of love. Via Instagram/nugrohoarie_

According to the experts, Plaosan Temple was built in the9th century. This temple is divided into two parts; Plaosan Lor (north) andPlaosan Kidul (south). The two temples have a rectangular-shaped terrace with awall and shelters for meditation. Because the two parts have similarstructures, the Plaosan Temple is also often referred to as the Twin Temple.

The main and supporting temples. Via Instagram/

Plaosan is also widely regarded as a monument of lovebecause this temple is considered as a proof that Love is able to unite anydifferences. This temple was built by Rakai Pikatan who is a Hindu as a giftfor his wife, Pramodyawardani who is a Buddhist. Therefore, in general, thePlaosan temple is a Buddhist temple with a touch of Hindu architecture.

Temple architecture

There is a big stupa here. Via Instagram/dian_kris

Although at first glance it looks similar, Plaosan Lor andPlaosan Kidul have quite contrasting differences. This can be seen from thereliefs on the walls of the two temples. The relief generally describes theinterpretation of love by humans.

The temples are adorned with nice reliefs. Via instagram/rifai_zebi

Plaosan Kidul has reliefs depicting male figures. That is adepiction of Pramudyawardani’s admiration for her king and husband. Meanwhile,relief at Plaosan Lor depicts a beautiful woman. That is a form of RakaiPikatan’s overflowing love for his Queen.


This is a great picnic location. Via Instagram/dennylourdesto

Plaosan Temple is very often visited by cyclist communities,especially those from the city of Yogyakarta. The journey from Yogyakarta toPlaosan is relatively easy with the road generally having a flat contour. Thescenery along this road is also very refreshing. If you are interested, you canproceed to visit several other nearby temples such as Sari Temple, SambisariTemple, and Sewu Temple.

Sunrise and sunset

Wonderful sunset. Via Instagram/novemlawalata

Plaosan Temple is located in a farm area with a vast ricefield nearby. The scenery here is quite nice and soothing, as the sun rises itsets. You actually can’t enjoy the sunrise and sunset in the temple complexbecause the temple is closed on those hours. But you can enjoy it from thesurrounding rice fields. It can be said that the temple is at its mostbeautiful during sunrise and sunset.

View after sunrise. Via Instagram/novemlawalata

If you are a fan of photography, Plaosan temple is probablya more attractive place than other nearby and more popular temples. That isbecause Plaosan temple is not as famous as Borobudur and Prambanan so there arenot too many tourists who come here. You will have a great time finding thebest angle and spots.


The temple in the mist. Via Instagram/syahdiea

Plaosan Temple is located near the border of Yogyakarta andCentral Java provinces. The place is about 20 km from the center of YogyakartaCity with very good road access. It’s just that the road around Plaosan templeis not passed by public transportation so you have to come by private vehicleor tour. This temple opens every day from 09.00 until 17.00. The ticket forentering Plaosan Temple is only IDR 5,000 per person.

Wonderful morning sight. Via Instagram/

Plaosan Temple was built as a celebration of love. Thistemple is clear proof that love can conquer any differences. This temple can bea good alternative destination, especially if you are into photography.

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