Nusa Penida, an island to the southeast of Bali, has quiteunique characteristics. The island is surrounded by beautiful beaches, most ofthem dominated by towering cliffs. Oftentimes, you have to struggle quite hardto reach a certain tourist destination at Penida.

One destination that requires hard work to reach is DiamondBeach. This beach is situated in the eastern part of Nusa Penida. This is oneof those places that you will never forget after you visit it once.
Location and how to get there

It can be said that Diamond Beach is located at the easternmost tip of Nusa Penida. This beach is situated next to another beautiful beach, namely Atuh Beach. Administratively, Diamond Beach is located in the Pejukutan District, Klungkung Regency.

The best way to reach Diamond Beach is by personal vehicle. You can rent a motorbike or a car in some relatively bigger cities such as Banjar Nyuh or other cities. Rates for a motorbike rent in Nusa Penida usually is about Rp. 75,000 for 24 hours.
Dramatic flight of stairs

You can park your vehicle in the designated parking lot. Ticket to enter the Diamond Beach only costs IDR 10,000 per person. To go to the beach, you have to go down a flight of stairs that looks as if it is hanging on a karst cliff.
The stairs are carved by the local residents with the aim to increase tourist visits to this beach. There is a hand railing made of rope that will provide security for your trip down.

These dramatic stairs is an excellent photo spot, both forpersonal photos and for capturing the extraordinarily beautiful panorama.Almost all tourists who come here take photos on this staircase. For therecord, the construction of this staircase was finished at the end of 2018.
Beautiful white sand beach

This staircase is so extraordinary that when you finish downit, you might get a little feeling of accomplishment. The prize you receive isa clean white sand beach surrounded by majestic karst cliffs. There are severalkarst stones towering above the sea surface. The shape is polygonal like apyramid and many people see it as a diamond. Hence the name of this beach.
What to do at Diamond Beach

The beach area is not so large that you can explore it quiteeasily. You can also explore some of the small caves in this beach area. Thesecaves can be your shelter when you need protection from the sun. The waters onthis beach are also relatively quiet so you can swim here quite safely.

If you are into photography, there are lots of spots thatyou can use to take beautiful photos. In addition to its soft white sand anddramatic cliffs, this beach also offers incredible sea panorama. If you bring adrone here, you can produce a breathtaking photo as the scenery is indeedwonderful.

Diamond Beach is a tourist destination that is gettingincreasingly popular. The best time to visit this beach is in the morning. Youcannot stay overnight at this beach because the location is closed at 06.00p.M. A visit to Diamond beach will be an unforgettable experience in your life.