
Exploring Indonesia in 90 Minutes via Devdan Show

Bali can be a very interesting place for those of you wholike theater. Bali is not just about white sand beaches or dense tropicalforests. More than that, Bali offers a lot of cultural charm, both traditionaland modern.

A scene at devdan Show. Via Instagram/kartuposinsta

One example of a show that you can enjoy in Bali is the Devdan Show. This cultural performance displays the richness of Indonesian culture in a very interesting drama for 90 minutes.

Name of the show

Lovely Show. Via Instagram/ devdanshow

Devdan comes from a Sanskrit word; Deva and Dhana which, ifcombined, mean a gift from God. The philosophy behind this name is because allof Indonesia’s wealth is considered a gift from God. This show is held 4 timesa week on Bali’s Nusa Dua Theater.

Synopsis of the show

Colorful lightings. Via Instagram/devdanshow

The premise of this story is a boy and a girl named Deva and Dhana who are bored with the tour program they have in Bali. They then fled the tour and decided to explore nature by themselves.

In the middle of climbing a cliff, the two children find a treasure box. In the box, they find various cultural objects from several islands in Indonesia. For this reason, the show also has the subtitle of Treasure of the Archipelago.

The cultural show

This show promoting Indonesian culuture. Via Instagram/devdanshow

The two children also became narrators in this show. Everytime they find a cultural object, the corresponding show from that specificculture appear on the stage. You will not only see traditional dances fromvarious regions in Indonesia but also many thrilling attractions, somewhat likeattractions in the circus.

The show has educational tone. Via Instagram/devdanshow

Each episode is also equipped with very detailed properties,stunning choreography, pyrotechnics, as well as interesting laser and lightingdisplays. The music that becomes the background of the show alternates fromtraditional to terbaru music. In a way, this is a truly comprehensive show.

Spectacular set

The show using lots of spectacular properties. Via Instagram/devdanshow

You will definitely be impressed by the seriousness of theproperties in this show. There are giant puppets, original Indonesian housessome in life-size scale, rotating stages, artificial rain, and illusionaryperformances. After the show ends, you can also ask for photos with the crewand cast (still in their full costumes.

The show even brings a pool to the stage. Via Instagram/devdanshow

Tickets to enjoy Devdan Show start from IDR 500,000 to IDR1,500,000. Tickets for children are only half the rates. You can also booktickets for this show for 3 months in advance to make sure that you will notmiss exploring Indonesia in just 90 minutes.

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