Yogyakarta has many beautiful hills that offer stunningviews. Lately, many photo spots and viewing posts have been built on varioushills all over the province. But the beauty of the hills of Yogyakarta seems tohave been widely known since hundreds of years ago.

One concrete proof is the Ijo Temple, an old temple built ona high hill. This temple is the highest one in Yogyakarta, meaning it islocated on the highest latitude. Here are various facts about Ijo Temple.
Built in the 10th century

Ijo Temple was estimated to be built in the 10th century AD when the ancient Mataram kingdom was still in power. This is a Hindu temple, with many reliefs on its walls.
You can also find a statue of a two-headed giant which acts as the guardian of this temple. Interestingly, there are various Buddhist ornaments seen in this temple. This shows that there was a kind of acculturation between religions at the time this temple was built.
Temple structure

Ijo Temple is a temple complex consisting of 17 buildings.This complex consists of several terraces with different heights. In general,there are two types of building; the main temple and ancillary temples.

The main temple has a square base with an entrance to thewest. The ancillary temple is formed smaller and is dedicated to respectingTrimurti, the three highest deities in Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Itis estimated that there are still some structures that are still buried in thisarea.
Enjoy the sunset

Ijo Temple is located close to Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko Palace. Because of its hilly position, this temple has a very attractive natural panorama. You can see the city of Yogyakarta from afar, including the runway at Adisucipto International Airport.
But like Ratu Boko, this place is very famous for its spectacular sunset views. In fact, many visitors come to this temple with the intention to enjoy the dusk or take spectacular photos at sunset.
Location of Ijo Temple

This temple is located near the Yogyakarta and Central Java borders. Administratively, Ijo temple is located in Sambirejo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman Regency. This temple is about 18 km from the center of Yogyakarta City.
The road to the temple is relatively good, but you have to be careful because the road conditions are naturally hilly. In general, you can reach this temple quite quickly by driving a private vehicle.

The temple is also located near many other famous touristdestinations. Prambanan Temple is only about 6 km northwest. Ratu Boko Palaceis 4 km away while the Breksi Cliff is only 1 km away from Ijo Temple. Thetemple’s opening hours are from 6:00 to 17:30 in the afternoon. The entrancefee is only IDR lima,000 per person.

Ijo Temple can be an attractive destination if you arevisiting the Prambanan region. This highest temple in Yogyakarta offersstunning views and spectacular sunsets.