Pemuteran Bay is a real success story of the return of coralreefs from total destruction. Pemuteran used to be damaged by illegal fishingpractices using poisons and bombs. However, through a huge effort for the lasttwo decades, the Pemuteran Sea is becoming healthy again.

Pemuteran is now one of the favorite destinations for divers. With more than 30 dive points, Pemuteran is indeed tempting. However, diving is not a matter of diving. Here are some attractive tourist destinations that you can find around Pemuteran.
Reef Seen

Reef Seen is actually a resort and a conservation center forsea turtles. They, however, call themselves a dive center. You can stay attheir resort, especially if you are a diver. The resort even provides divingpackages to see the beauty of the Pemuteran marine life.

If you are not interested in diving, you can help Reef Seen’seffort to conserve sea turtles. Here, you can adopt a turtle and release it tothe sea. You can also be part of a coral gardener in Pemuteran by helping andprotecting coral reefs in Pemuteran Bay. Reef Seen is located in PemuteranVillage, Gerokgak, Singaraja.
Pemuteran Bali BioRock

Biorock is actually a patented method that presents idealconditions to grow coral reefs. Using this technology, coral reef growth canincrease up to 6 times faster compared to normal conditions. The results can beseen directly at Pemuteran.

To be able to enjoy the work of Biorock Pemuteran, you haveto dive into their site. Biorock planted a lot of coral reefs with beautifulshapes. The planting area is also very extensive and is now overgrown withcolorful coral reefs. You can see it yourself at Biorock Center in Loka Segara,Pemuteran Village, Gerokgak, Buleleng.
Pulaki Temple

Pulaki Temple, also known as Pura Petirtaan is one of thelargest temples in North Bali. This temple is dominated by the black rocksstructures, surrounded by a beautiful natural scene. This temple is actually aPura Agung Complex which consists of several temples, namely Melanting Temple,Kertha Kawat Temple, Pabean Temple, and Pemuteran Temple.
Pearl Farm Atlas

As the name suggests, this destination is a pearl farm ownedby Atlas Pearls. In this place, you can learn all about pearl farming. Guestswill be guided to learn about the pearling process. If you come at the righttime, you can also see pearl seeding. The Pearl Atlas has six pearl farms inIndonesia, the location in North Bali is their central office and mainhatchery.
Banyuwedang Hot Springs

This hot spring is quite special because it has amazingviews. Banyuwedang Hot Springs is located about 15 km from Gilimanuk Port. Youcan see the panorama of West Bali National Park from this place. You can enjoythis hot spring at Pejarakan, Gerokgak, Buleleng Regency.
West Bali National Park and Menjangan Island

Pemuteran Bay is only about 10 km from West Bali nationalpark. You can also arrange a visit to Menjangan Island. On the island, you canenjoy snorkeling and diving in a place that is still very natural. Theunderwater beauty of Menjangan Mas Island is quite famous and many invite oneof the most beautiful in Bali.

Pemuteran has a beautiful story with a somewhat sadbackground. The waters in Pemuteran was damaged due to unhealthy and illegalfishing. Now Pemuteran Bay has become home to many beautiful species of coraland fish once more.