
Ranca Upas Ciwidey a Great Camping Ground in South Bandung

Kampung Cai Ranca Upas is one of the most popular campinggrounds in the Bandung area. Located in Ciwidey, this tourist destination is atthe heart of South Bandung resort area with Patuha Resort, White Crater,Cimanggu, and Patenggang Lake Nearby.

Camping at Ranca Upas. Via Instagram/mass_anggi

Unlike most camping sites in Bandung that usually located inpine forests, Kampung Cai Ranca Upas has a rather vast flat grassland. It is,however, surrounded by rich green tropical forest in Ciwidey Highland. But thiscampsite is more than just a place to spend a night in a tent. Here are somefacts regarding Kampung Cai Ranca Upas Ciwidey.


Camping in the shades of trees. Via Instagram/sugartrip99

Kampung Cai Ranca Upas is located in a protected forest withseveral endemic vegetation like Kihujan, Kitambang, Pasang, Kurai, Hamirug,Huru, Puspa, and Jamuju. Sitting on 1,700 meters above sea level, the air hereis cool and refreshing. The wind can be quite strong during clear nights,creating a lovely and memorable night.

Night at the camping ground. Via Instagram/akhmaddariel

Administratively, Kampung Cai Ranca Upas is located in JalanRaya Ciwidey Patenggang KM 11, Alam Endah, Bandung Regency. This site is about50 kilometers from downtown Bandung, reachable in about two hours’ drive. Roadsleading to this site are already good and well maintained.


Camping site. Via Instagram/dwidyaaanggi

Ranca in local language means swamp, indicating that this grassland used to be a vast wetland. Upas is believed to be originated from a Sundanese word that means a guard/ranger.

There is a myth that the area used to be guarded by a Dutch ranger that is so devoted to his job, he died doing his job and became some sort of a legend here. Locals report that sometimes they can still see him around this area.

Camping at night. Via Instagram/lutfi_arianto

Ranca Upas was then managed by Perhutani, a state-ownedforestry service. From the beginning, Ranca Upas was designed and marketed as acamping ground with lovely air and magnificent night scenery. It didn’t takelong for this place to have a great reputation among nature lovers in thesurrounding area.

Huge camping area

Sunrise at Ranca Upas. Via Instagram/rahadianrezha

Ranca Upas has a very huge camping area, capable of hostingof up to ten thousand people easily even though there is no record of this sitehosting visitors at full capacity. The place is immensely huge that you canjust pick any place to set up a tent, away from other campers if you want to.

Milky Way. Via Instagram/ciwidey_extraordinary

During the day, you can explore the whole area. You willfind a protected forest with its natural vegetation, a lovely pond, andbeautiful hilly panorama. Even in the middle of the day, the air is still freshhere, around 17-20 celcius. During the clear night, you can enjoy the stars,watch the Milky Way dominate the sky.

Deer captivity

Interacting with deer. Via Instagram/arudiskaradie

Another reason to visit Kampung Cai Ranca Upas is the deercaptivity in this area. The Javanese Deer (Cervus Timorensis) freely roam thelarge captivity area, and they are fully protected by law. The deer are alreadyaccustomed by visitors and won’t be shy to come over. You can buy carrots andother vegetables to feed the deer here, and you will be surrounded by the deerin no time.

Daybreak at the campsite. Via Instagram/pulau.Kelor

Whether you are a nature lover who actually want to camphere or just to enjoy the lovely scenery, Kampung Cai Ranca Upas is a greatplace to visit. This place is definitely worth visit if you are already inSouth Bandung.

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