Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan is an Epic performance thattells the story of the Ramayana. For foreign tourists, this show is betterknown as the Ramayana Ballet because of its similarity to the concept ofclassical European ballet.

This show is spectacular especially if it is held in anoutdoor amphitheater against the backdrop of the magnificent Prambanan Temple.This show has been going on since 1961 and still continues to be a routinerencana.
The Show

Sendratari is an abbreviation in Indonesian which meansdrama and dance art. In essence, Ramayana Prambanan is a show that combinesdance and drama to tell a story without using any dialogue. Although it is aheld in a full Javanese traditional concept, over time, various terkiniproperties such as lighting displays and pyrotechnics were also used in thisshow.
Ramayana story

Ramayana is an Epic story in Hinduism that was adopted intoJavanese culture. The story revolves around Rama’s attempt to save his wifeSinta, who was kidnapped by Rahwana, King of Alengka. In his efforts, Rama got helpfrom Hanuman and the ape troops. In the end, Rama proved victorious with thedeath of Rahwana by Rama’s powerful arrow.

In this ballet at Prambanan, the Ramayana story is dividedinto 4 episodes. The first episode revolves around the disappearance of DewiSinta, the second episode tells the story of the Hanuman the messenger, thethird episode is about the death of Kumbakarna, and the fourth episode tellsabout the Holy Fire of Dewi Sinta.
Held in two venues

In the dry season, the Prambanan Ramayana ballet is held onan open stage with the backdrop of the magnificent Prambanan Temple. Not onlycan the audience witness the spectacular performances on the stage, but theycan also enjoy the magnificent landscapes including the stars of their heads.In the rainy season, ballet is held on the Trimurti indoor stage.

Ramayana Ballet involves more than 200 professional dancers and gamelan musicians. Every show is done professionally with known schedules as well as great stage settings and chairs arrangements.
This show is held every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You can see the schedule for a year on the official website of Borobudur Park so that you can easily book tickets if you plan to see it any time this year.

Prambanan Ramayana Ballet can be an attractive touristdestination for those who like or want to learn about Javanese culture. Ticketprices start at Rp 125,000 Rp 400,000. For students, there are special ticketsfor only IDR 50,000.