
Yeh Malet Lake an Instagramable Stopover at Karangasem

Most people know that Bali has four beautiful lakes; BeratanLake, Batur Lake, Tamblingan Lake, and Buyan Lake. All those four lakes are amazingwith their own charm, making them favorite destination for tourists.

Exploring the lake on a raft. Via Instagram/yuni_chomeel

However, in the eastern part of the island, in Karangasem Regency, there is a unique lake whose popularity keep rising. Yeh Malet Lake starts to get noticed anda visited by tourist because of its unique beauty. Unlike other lakes in Bali, Yeh Malet used to be neglected before becoming a lovely alternative destination for tourists.

Location of Yeh Malet Lake

A bamboo dock. Via Instagram/tius27

The location of Yeh Malet Lake is in Yeh Malet Banjar,Antiga Kelod Village, Manggis District, Karangasem. You will have no troublefinding this Lake because it is located close to the Eastern Bali ring road. Thelake is only 200 meters away from the main road.

The lake from above. Via Instagram/tuhan.Ode_

Yeh Malet Lake was previously a swamp which functioned as arainwater reservoir. This place was once neglected and dirty, full of waterhyacinth before local people cleaned it up and started introducing it totourists. Because the scenery is naturally beautiful, this lake’s popularity israpidly increasing.

The charm of water hyacinth flowers

The water hyacinth flowers. Via Instagram/made_jari_bali

In many freshwater waters, water hyacinth is a disturbingpest plant. The existence of water hyacinth usually makes the fisheries sectorvery disturbed. But because the Yeh Malet Lake does not rely on fisheries,water hyacinth here somewhat also functions as a beautiful ornamental plant.

The purple flowers. Via Instagram/ellchintya

The expanse of flowering water hyacinth makes this placelike a flower field in spring. Flowers come in white, blue and purple make thisplace extraordinarily beautiful. However, the invasive nature of water hyacinthmeans that this lake has to be cleaned periodically.

Instagenic photo spot

Morning at the lake. Via Instagram/iwardani69

Yeh Malet Lake is not too vast, the total area of ??The lakeis only about 7 hectares. However, the lake is surrounded by beautiful hills,with fresh green scenery. Needless to say, this lake is a great photo spot.

Rafting on the lake. Via Instagram/oky_rianto

You can take photos on a simple platform made of bamboo.This platform overlooks a wonderful view of the lake. At certain spot, you caneven find an ‘I Love You’ lettering on the water, made of water hyacinth! YehMalet Lake is also a place that is quite popular for pre-wedding photo spot.


Exploring the lake. Via Instagram/tudeastina

Yeh Malet Lake has not been professionally managed like mosttourist attractions in Bali, so don’t expect perfect facilities and amenitieshere. This lake can be very hot at noon, so you should use sunblock, and bringa hat and sunglasses. You can also rent a bamboo raft to explore the lake withthe help of local guide.

Enjoying the view. Via Instagram/marischkaprue

Yeh Malet Lake is a lovely stopover destination that isinteresting to visit if you are in East Bali. This place is also located quiteclose to several other tourist attractions such as Goa Lawah, Wates BeachKarangasem, and Padang Bai.

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