Maribaya is a well-known tourist destination in Lembang,Bandung. Naturally, the Maribaya region is a hilly area surrounded by greenforests with a cool climate. Maribaya’s main attraction has always been itsnatural hot springs.

Maribaya has developed into a modern with professionalmanagement. This place not only provides hot spring pools but also many otherinteresting attractions. Here is a glimpse about what you can enjoy at MaribayaResort.
Foot Spa

As the name suggests, this place is a pool where you canrelax by putting your feet in a hot tub. The average temperature of the wateris 40 degrees Celsius. Soaking your feet in this pool is believed to make themhealthier. Ticket to enjoy the foot spa is IDR 25,000 per person
Deluxe Pool

Deluxe Pool is a hot pool designed for families. It isbasically an infinity pool with hot water and is located under shady greentrees. This place is suitable for all family members including small children.The entrance ticket to this pool is IDR 35,000 per person.
VIP Pool

This is an exclusive soaking place for families. This hotpool is relatively small in size with a fairly exclusive location. This pool isbuilt with a natural theme with river rocks as its walls. This pool entranceticket is IDR90,000 that includes toiletries and towels. You can choose ahigher package that includes a meal and a welcome Drink.
Hot tub room

If you want to enjoy total privacy while soaking inMaribaya’s natural hot water, you can go to its private room. Here you canenjoy the warmth of the water in the private hot tub. You will enter a uniqueroom where a hot tub is inviting you to relax. The price of this room is IDR90,000 per person with facilities such as toiletry and towels.
Children’s playground

There are several places that will make your children hookedin Maribaya. Children playground is a designated area where children play totheir heart’s content. There is also an animal feeding station where you andyour children feed the animals that are kept in Maribaya. There are rabbits andsheep that you can interact with.

Maribaya has several places to eat. Lang Lang Buana FoodCourt is an integrated dining area that serves traditional West Javanese food.You can enjoy eating here with a fresh natural atmosphere. Twig Cafe is a placeto relax where you can enjoy a cup of coffee with complete serenity. This cafealso has a unique waterfall view.
Photo Spots

There are some interesting photo spots that you can find inMaribaya. Cikawari Foto Spot is a photo platform with a background of theCikawari waterfall. In addition to taking pictures of yourself, you can alsouse the services of a professional photographer and then directly print thephotos on site. The Hobbit House is a ubiquitous photo area in almost alltourist resorts in Bandung. The Skybridge is an area where you can see almostall Maribaya resort areas.

To enter Maribaya, you will be charged a ticket for IDR35,000 per person. To enjoy various facilities there, you are also required topay. This resort can be an interesting destination if you want to relax in ahot tub in the cold air of Lembang.